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Ellipsometer, Laser Ellipsometer, Spectroscopic, Single Wavelength, Spectral photo luminsense Measurement, Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) Manual Measurement System (Non-destructive Fast, precise measurements of sheet conductance/ sheet resistance), The contactless, non-destructive alternative to Hall mobility, Measurement and Mapping Systems Contactless Bulk Resistivity/Sheet Resistance/ Capacitance Thickness.

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Ellipsometer, Laser Ellipsometer, Spectroscopic, Single Wavelength, Spectral photo luminsense Measurement, Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) Manual Measurement System (Non-destructive Fast, precise measurements of sheet conductance/ sheet resistance), The contactless, non-destructive alternative to Hall mobility, Measurement and Mapping Systems Contactless Bulk Resistivity/Sheet Resistance/ Capacitance Thickness.

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Obducat AB

Nanolmprint Lithography (NIL) for R&D and production for LED/ OPTO, MEMS & NEMS, optical storage, Bio device, Magnetic storage display, semiconductor, polymer electronics and photovoltaic applications.

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Obducat AB

Nanolmprint Lithography (NIL) for R&D and production for LED/ OPTO, MEMS & NEMS, optical storage, Bio device, Magnetic storage display, semiconductor, polymer electronics and photovoltaic applications.

Obducat Europe GmbH

Coater & Developer tools – Semi-automated, Fully Automated (cassette-to-cassette coater developer) Microcluster tool – R&D and pilot production WET PROCESSING SYSTEMS Semi-automated, fully automated wet processing tools for cleaning, lift-off, etching and developing

Obducat Europe GmbH

Coater & Developer tools – Semi-automated, Fully Automated (cassette-to-cassette coater developer) Microcluster tool – R&D and pilot production WET PROCESSING SYSTEMS Semi-automated, fully automated wet processing tools for cleaning, lift-off, etching and developing

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Crestec Corporation

State of art dedicated standalone electron beam lithography systems – 50kVA series, 130kVA series Systems for R&D & for production too!

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Crestec Corporation

State of art dedicated standalone electron beam lithography systems – 50kVA series, 130kVA series Systems for R&D & for production too!


KrF Scanners / Steppers
i-line Steppers for Front-End-Of-the-Line (FEOL) Applications i-line Steppers  for Back-End-Of-the-Line (BEOL) and Advanced Packaging Applications.


KrF Scanners / Steppers i-line Steppers for Front-End-Of-the-Line (FEOL) Applications i-line Steppers for Back-End-Of-the-Line (BEOL) and Advanced Packaging Applications.

Mask Aligner, UV Exposure System, Solar simulator and Photovoltaic, UV meters  

Mask Aligner ideal for Microelectronics, LED / HB LED, 3D IC, SIOP, WLP, 2.5D Interposer, MEMS, BioMEMS, MicroFluidics, Compound Semi, Solar (HCPV), and Optoelectronics applications.

Veeco Instruments Inc

MOCVD Systems, Gas and Vapor Delivery Control Systems, Wet Processing Technologies, Laser Annealing, Advanced Packaging Lithography, Deposition, Sputtering, Etch and Dicing/Lapping Systems MBE Systems, Sources and Components, Atomic Layer Deposition Systems.

Veeco Instruments Inc

MOCVD Systems, Gas and Vapor Delivery Control Systems, Wet Processing Technologies, Laser Annealing, Advanced Packaging Lithography, Deposition, Sputtering, Etch and Dicing/Lapping Systems MBE
Systems, Sources and Components, Atomic Layer Deposition Systems.

Thermco Systems

Thermco horizontal oxidation, diffusion furnace, Semithermo vertical diffusion furnace. Atmospheric, LPCVD process system.

Thermco Systems

Thermco horizontal oxidation, diffusion furnace, Semithermo vertical diffusion furnace. Atmospheric, LPCVD process system.


Cz-Systems – Czochralski (Cz) Method – Silicon, Germanium FZ-Systems- Floatzone (FZ) Method -Silicon SiCma Systems PVT Method – Silicon Carbide Kronos-Vertical Gradient Freeze (VGF) Method- Compound Materials


Cz-Systems – Czochralski (Cz) Method – Silicon, Germanium FZ-Systems- Floatzone (FZ) Method -Silicon SiCma Systems PVT Method – Silicon Carbide Kronos-Vertical Gradient Freeze (VGF) Method- Compound Materials

Tetreon Technologies Limited

➢ T-Clean Wet Chemical Solutions
➢ Porous Silicon Formation
➢ Quartz Tube Cleaning Systems
➢ Semiconductor & Solar Wet Benches
➢ Semiconductor Cleaning Systems

Tetreon Technologies Limited

➢ T-Clean Wet Chemical Solutions
➢ Porous Silicon Formation
➢ Quartz Tube Cleaning Systems
➢ Semiconductor & Solar Wet Benches
➢ Semiconductor Cleaning Systems

Advanced Spin System Inc.

SRD (Spin, Rinse, & Dryer) – SV, Parts, Cassette

Advanced Spin System Inc.

SRD (Spin, Rinse, & Dryer) – SV, Parts, Cassette

Theta Metrisis

Non-destructive characterization of coatings in the Nano and micro-scale. Optical metrology tools for the characterization of single layer and multi-layer-coatings for a wide range of diverse applications. Film Characterization (thickness, optical properties), Absorbance, Fluorescence, Reflectance, Transmittance.

Theta Metrisis

Non-destructive characterization of coatings in the Nano and micro-scale. Optical metrology tools for the characterization of single layer and multi-layer-coatings for a wide range of diverse applications. Film Characterization (thickness, optical properties), Absorbance, Fluorescence, Reflectance, Transmittance.

Iminia Technologies

Modular robotic platforms are designed to fit all kind of scanning electron microscopes and optical setups. In situ nanoprobing and electrical failure analysis solutions for your SEM, FIB or dual beam Microprobing solutions for you

Iminia Technologies

Modular robotic platforms are designed to fit all kind of scanning electron microscopes and optical setups. In situ nanoprobing and electrical failure analysis solutions for your SEM, FIB or dual beam Microprobing solutions for you

MPI Corporation

State of the art Probe Cards, Production LED Equipment, Advanced Semiconductor Test Equipments: Manual Probe station, Semi-Automatic, Automated, High Power probe station RF & MW.

Comprehensive portfolio of automated wafer/device test, measurement, and inspection solutions for Mini LED, Micro- LED, Laser Diode, Photodiode, LED and more.

MPI Corporation

State of the art Probe Cards, Production LED Equipment, Advanced Semiconductor Test Equipments: Manual Probe station, Semi-Automatic, Automated, High Power probe station RF & MW.

Comprehensive portfolio of automated wafer/device test, measurement, and inspection solutions for Mini LED, Micro- LED, Laser Diode, Photodiode, LED and more.


RF Reliability Burn-In System, HTOL / HAST Burn-In System, Automated Test Equipment (ATE), Yield Enhancement Metrology Tool, Parametric (WAT) Probe Card, Vertical Probe Card, MEMS VPC / CPC Probe Card,Test Socket & Contactor, Probe Station, μLED / VCSEL Integrated Test System, SiPH Test System, Power Device Analytical Tester, TMS / RMS / SPT Intelligent Test Operating System,Load board / Burn-In Board Substrates / PIB / PCI, WAT & Reliability Probe Card


RF Reliability Burn-In System, HTOL / HAST Burn-In System, Automated Test Equipment (ATE), Yield Enhancement Metrology Tool, Parametric (WAT) Probe Card, Vertical Probe Card, MEMS VPC / CPC Probe Card,Test Socket & Contactor, Probe Station, μLED / VCSEL Integrated Test System, SiPH Test System, Power Device Analytical Tester, TMS / RMS / SPT Intelligent Test Operating System,Load board / Burn-In Board Substrates / PIB / PCI, WAT & Reliability Probe Card

Loadpoint Ltd.

Dicing Solutions (6”, 8”, 12” dicing saw) Dicing Blades, Chucks Dicing and back griding tapes Mounting handling/blade dressing Dicing blade toc Automatic washing and drying station, Wafer mounter

Loadpoint Ltd.

Dicing Solutions (6”, 8”, 12” dicing saw) Dicing Blades, Chucks Dicing and back griding tapes Mounting handling/blade dressing Dicing blade toc Automatic washing and drying station, Wafer mounter

Mue Tec

Defect Inspection for CD & Overlay Metrology:

CD Metrology

  • Laser autofocus
  • Image autofocus
  • CD measurement along z-axis

Overlay Metrology

  • Customized overlay features
  • Multiple focus levels
  • Automated Tool Induced Shift
  • (TIS) calculation & correction

Film Thickness

  • Transparent and semi
  • transparent materials
  • 1-3 layers
  • 10nm up to 40 μm film thickness

Mue Tec

Defect Inspection for CD & Overlay Metrology:

CD Metrology

  • Laser autofocus
  • Image autofocus
  • CD measurement along z-axis

Overlay Metrology

  • Customized overlay features
  • Multiple focus levels
  • Automated Tool Induced Shift
  • (TIS) calculation & correction

Film Thickness

  • Transparent and semi
  • transparent materials
  • 1-3 layers
  • 10nm up to 40 μm film thickness



ICE Etcher , DRIE Etcher.CCP Etcher , LTD Etcher


ICE Etcher , DRIE Etcher.CCP Etcher , LTD Etcher

Yield Engineering Systems

Plasma Clean, Photoresist Strip/Clean/Descum, HMDS Vapor Prime/Image Reversal, Silane Monolayer Deposition, Polyimide/BCB/PBO/Low Temp Polymer Cure, Self-Assembled Materials (SAM) Silane/HMDS Prime before PR, Polyimide/BCB/Other polymer cure, Wet Process

Yield Engineering Systems

Plasma Clean, Photoresist Strip/Clean/Descum, HMDS Vapor Prime/Image Reversal, Silane Monolayer Deposition, Polyimide/BCB/PBO/Low Temp Polymer Cure, Self-Assembled Materials (SAM) Silane/HMDS Prime before PR, Polyimide/BCB/Other polymer cure, Wet Process