EdgeTech Scientific Pvt Ltd


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  • Laser Pattern Generator
  • Hall Effect Measurement System, LED Tester, Probe Station Mannual, Semiautomatic and Fully Automatic
  • Instrumentation for Photovoltaic (Spectral Response/QE Measurement System, Small Area Solar Simulator, Solar Cell I-V Tester, I-V Curve Data Acquisition System, Solar Cell Sorter, Spectro Radiometer
  • UHV deposition & MBE System or Oxides and Nitrides
  • Four Point Probe Systems
  • Precision Dicing and Scribing and Grinding Machine
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EdgeTech Scientific Pvt Ltd


  • Atomic Layer Deposition System
  • Nanpositioning and Nano Measuring Systems
  • In-situ Nanocleaning, Nanoindentation, TEM Lamella preparation,IV Charaterteristic, Nanocutting, Nanocladding
EdgeTech Scientific Pvt Ltd


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  • Wafers
    Si, GaAs, InP, GaP, InSb, InAs, GaSb, GaN Wafers, Germanium, Glass, Quartz, Pyrex, Sapphire, Al, II-VI, ZnSe, ZnO, CdS, CdTe Wfaers, YVO4, TiO2, CaCO3, LiNbO3, LiTaO3 Wafers, SrTiO3, LaAlO3, LSAT, MgO SrLaAlO4 Wafers
  • Resists
    E-beam resist (positive /negative, deep UV) , Photoresists Positive (I-line, g-line),Image reversal resists (I-line, g-line, negative photoresists (deep UV, I-line)
  • Substrate Single Crystals
    For Superconductivity : Al2o3,  LaAlo3,  Mgo,  SrTio3, Nb:Srtio3,YAIo3, Zro2(Y), etc. 
    Bicrystals : Al2o3, Mgo,  Srtio3,  Nb: Srtio3,  Zro2
    For III-V Nitrides : Al2o3,  Lialo2, Ligao2,  MgAl,  ZnO, etc.
    Epi-ready polishing of surface with an orientation (standard) and better.
  • Single Crystals
    BaTio3, Coo, Cr2o3, Feo, Fe2o3, Gd3Ga5O12, Mno, Nio, Sio2 , etc.
    Polishing of surface with an orientation accuracy form 20 to <0.10
  • Pure Elements and Alloys
    Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Be, Bi, C, Ca, Cd, Ce, Cc, Eu, Fe, Ga, Ge, hf, Ho, In, Ir, K , La, Li, Lu, Nd, Ni, Os, P, Pb, Pd, Pr, Pt, Rb, Re,Rh, Ru, S, Sn, Sr, Ta , Te, Tb, TL, Th, Tm, Ti, U, V, W , Y, Yb, Pure ingots, tubes, foils, wires, granules, thermo elements etc.
    Polishing of surface with an orientation accuracy form 20 to <0.10
    Purity from 3N to 7N.
  •  Optical Crystals
    AgBr, AgCl, BaF2, CaF2, CdTe, CsI, fused silica, Ge, Kbr, KCI, KRS-5, LiF, MgF2, Sapphire (including tubes), Si, znse Mirrors, Prisms, lenses, windows & wedges with diameter up to 8.5″
  • Semiconductor Single Crystals
    Electronic grade Ge-and si-wafers(doped and u 
    II-VI Semiconductors (CdTe, Cds,CdSe, Zns, Zn
    III-V Semiconductors (GaAs, GaP, GaSB, InAs, Ir
    IV-Vi semiconductors (Pbs,PbSe,PbTe, SnTe.
  • Sputter Targets
    Metal, non-metals and chemical compounds
    With purity from 99 to 99.99999%